Greyhound Betting Tips: How to Make the Most of Your Bets
When betting upon greyhounds there is nothing more important than having quality greyhound betting tips at your disposal. Throughout this page we will provide all newcomers to the sport of greyhounds with up to date information and guidance for all aspects of the betting process, how you can achieve a successful profit with greyhounds and the key mistakes made by people betting on greyhounds using online sports gambling sites. Make sure that if you are a novice to the greyhound betting community you read through this article with the utmost attention, it will be a key tool for understanding the ever-changing world of greyhound racing.
Greyhound Racing Tips Explained
There are many fantastic ways to bet on greyhounds and when it comes to figuring out exactly how to bet upon them you need to follow the advice of the experts and professional greyhound tipsters. It’s all well and good having a passion for online gambling, but the dogs are a specialist sport that requires years of research and study to fully get to grips with. Have a look below for our in-depth overview on the main considerations to make before betting on the dogs.
- .Study the Form CardsIt goes without saying really, the form of the dogs is hard proof of how the dog is performing against the field of competition. Study this form, consider the context of each race, the ages of the dogs competing, the distance, the surface and the weights. These factors all contribute to an overall picture of the quality of the dog on a given day. Form guides are widely available online and in written print.
- .Look for Unorthodox ValueIt is sometimes not completely clear who the best runners in the race are, but the bookmakers are very skilled at setting odds levels and sometimes try to manipulate the markets into backing a particular favorite, even when the odds do not reflect the true chances of any given dog. Therefore, it is sometimes worthwhile to disregard the high odds levels of a dog, and just go with it if it ticks boxes in other departments.
- .Bet on Dogs That Are ImprovingYoung dogs are known to quickly improve their form between races, they are hungry and eager to please their masters and this ties in with the form and tracking the dogs that are consistently bettering their finishing times. Look particularly at young dogs on the rise, these dogs will be hungrier for glory and may well bring home the bacon for you.
- .Talk to BreedersBreeders are the best source of inside information when it comes to the new dogs on the block. Make sure that if your serious about the dogs and regularly attend the greyhound racing track, approach some of the breeders and chat to them, get their opinions and try to figure out if there is anything worthwhile that can be gained from the newest dogs.
Read the Best Greyhound Newspapers
The greyhound newspapers are widely available and are supporting the industry in its efforts to find the best value from the dog betting tips and the fans. Be sure to refer to them when you are looking for a big scoop and in need of some guidance on the next dog races coming up. Even if you are particularly interested in just learning a little bit more about the sport. The racing post greyhound tips have long been widely regarded as one of the most consistent in terms of win percentage.

Greyhound Tips to Avoid

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There are a number of greyhound betting tipsters that offer nothing but pure garbage, they don’t provide the value we’ve come to expect from the tipping men. There are a few obvious rules you should always stick to and never break from when betting on the greyhounds, the following sections aim to shine a bit of light on what exactly you should watch out for when betting on the dogs.
Betting on the Favorite
Betting on the favorite in aby racing event is not always the best way to proceed, in fact it can lead to major problems with your P/L. Firstly, consider the fact that all dogs racing are well trained animals that have been fully optimized to running as fast as possible across the dirt. Dogs are not as predictable as they are made out to be, sure, some are far superior to their peers, but in general there is little to choose between the dogs and form should be a vital guide for choosing a winner.

Betting on Less Than Evens
The dogs that are tipped to win the race will usually carry odds of much less than evens, this is a given really. The race contains only four to six runners and they do not have such a large distance to cover. A dog that can reach high speeds in the opening dash is usually going to stay in front and won’t be caught, therefore this should be your primary focus when choosing which dog to back.
Chasing Your Losses
One of the golden rules of online betting that all punters should pay attention too, never chase losses that have been made in previous rounds. Every bet should be taken without consideration of the previous wins or losses, as this will encourage unjustified stake amounts and lead to problems down the line. If you have problems with gambling, make sure that you have a look at Gamcare, they are there to provide free and confidential advice on beating gambling addiction and providing solutions for problem gamblers.
Combine Different Dog Betting Tips Together to Optimise Your Strategy
Obviously, there is no one proven method to successfully beating the bookies when it comes to winning at the dogs. There are some methods and tipping services that do indeed provide a more accurate report but all in all should be taken with a pinch of salt. By this we mean that nobody truly knows what the outcomes of one of these races will bring. Endlessly speculating and trying to predict greyhounds can be a very difficult task.
Where to Get Started
So, where should you take your tips and bet when it comes to greyhounds. There are several key players in the wagering game for greyhound racing tips. The classic operators tend to provide some of the best options in terms of odds levels and general availability of races on their site. If it is the best you’re after, why not head down to the tracks themselves, have a chat to an old-school bookie and maybe get yourself some decent enhanced odds by negotiation. Now there’s something you can’t do online! Otherwise check out more fantastic greyhound gambling operators at our homepage.